Steroids, lidocain and ioxaglic acid modify the viscosity of HA: read our publication in SpringerPLus

Steroids, lidocaine and ioxaglic acid modify the viscosity of hyaluronic acid: in vitro study and clinical implications. T. Conrozier; J. Patarin; P. Mathieu; M. Rinaudo. SpringerPlus . 2016 Feb 24;5:170; doi: 10.1186/s40064-016-1762-z. During viscosupplementation, it is usual to inject other drugs, without knowing whether this association may have a deleterious Read more…

Mannitol in HAppyVisc® and HAppyCross®: Read our paper published in Rheumatology and Therapy

Mannitol Preserves the Viscoelastic Properties of Hyaluronic Acid in an In Vitro Model of Oxidative Stress by Thierry Conrozier, Pierre Mathieu, Marguerite Rinaudo,  Rheumatology and Therapy, December 2014, Volume 1, Issue 1, pp 45-54; doi:10.1007/s40744-014-0001-8. – published online 25 July 2014.   Abstract: Introduction Viscosupplementation by intra-articular injection of hyaluronic acid Read more…